MetKasekor Demand Creation Meetings Conducted with Small- holder Farmers and Service Providers in Ruos Rorn commune, Rovieng district, Preah Vihear Province
Agriculture |
In Preah Vihear, On Wednesday, 31st August 2022, Provincial Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in Preah Vihear Province has implemented the “Demand Creation” event for Farmers and Service provider, which held in Rovieang District.

This event was launched with the focal persons of PDAFF in Preah Vihear, officer from WAT4CAM project, representative from AMK Microfinance, JOHNDEER Company, the relevant authority members with totally 77 participants. The event aimed to increase the farmers awareness and interesting on Conservation Agriculture by introducing them the compatible machines used for cover crop and crop intensification leading to sustainable agroecological production.