Metkasekor model in preah vihear organized Fields exchange visit farmers from Rus ran commune to Rik reay commune on the pratice on conservation agricultural

Agriculture |

Preah Vihear Province: On Tuesday, October 1 2022, The MetKasekor model officer of the Deparment of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Preah Vihear Province cooperated with the MetKasekor model officer of Department of Extension for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Project officer ASSET, WAT4CAM and Smart-Agro Company led the farmers in Russey village, Chhnuon commune, Rovieng district to exchange experiences in rice fields and plantations of farmers who have practiced the cultivation of cover crops and fodder grass in Bos village and Doung village, Rik Reay commune, Rovieng district, Preah Vihear province, under the presidency of Mr. Srun Borin Deputy Director of Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, with a total of 42 participants, 16 Females

In order to the farmers can understand the benefits of cover crops and fodder grass cultivation, Study the growth of rice crops that have been applied to cover crops, Understand the important of fertilizer and soil health and Introduce the conservation agriculture and reflect the live location and cultivation systems design related to conservation agriculture.